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July 06, 2007

Horror Movie Poetry #6

Filed under: quotes -- 19:05

Matthew Bennel: [dials his phone]
    I'll get the police.
Telephone Operator:
Matthew Bennel:
    Officer, I'd like to report four bodies in my backyard.
Telephone Operator:
    Wait right there Mr. Bennel.
Matthew Bennel:
    How do you know my name?
Jack Bellicec: [Jack's eyes widen with fear]
    Hang up, Matthew.
Matthew Bennel: [into the phone]
    I didn't tell you my name.
Jack Bellicec:
    Hang up!
Matthew Bennel: [hangs up the phone]
    I didn't tell them my name!
Nancy Bellicec:
    That's because there're all part of it. There all pods, all of them!

        Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)

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